Is Architecture Art?

Architecture, being one of the classic fine arts disciplines, has long had a close relationship with the art world. What we refer to as architecture is the process of designing, planning, and constructing beautiful building

• Architecture as Sculpture:
Gugghenheim Museum, it has modernised the city, from an industrial city (Bilbao) to a modern cuktural city.

Architecture as Painting:
Increase the personality, not only of the city, town, but also, the personality of the citizen. It is a creative world, typical of the painting.

• Architecture as Tradition:
Was worried about the evolution of art. Tradition was dissapearing because the modern ones. He decided to design buildings similar to old ones. How drawing can make possible the reflexion?
People thwt live there are very happy. Probably happier than in a skyscrapper.
Architecture recieves influence from many other parts:

• Architecture from Neoplasticism:
Surfaces of colours (yellow, blue, red, blanck and white).
Seems not to be a building, a plastic composition.
elements like planes, lines, but not volume.

• Architecture from Purism
Le Corbusier
Simple forms with no perspective
Clear and flat colours. Not Volume
Elements are easy to recognise

• Architecture from Cubism :
Typical of Prague
Fractured and irregular shapes (Geometrically cut parapets and cornices)
Angular details on doors and windows
Undecorated exterior walls

• Architecture in Cinema
The Fountainhead: Howard Roark is an avantgarde architect eager to break with every thing it has been done before.
Mon Oncle: Mr. Hulot who lives in a modest house go to visit his nephew who lives with his parents in a ultra modern house.
The belly of an architect: An american architect arrives to Rome with his wife.

• Architecture in Painting
Annunciation- Fra Angelico
Architectural Perspective– Unknown
Renaissance (La Scuola di Atene) – Raphael
Post Impressionis (Café terrace at night 1888)
Metaphysical Painting (Mystery and Melancholy of a Street (1914))
The New Objetivity and La Tendenza
Painting: large spaces, emptiness, frostedatmosphere, invasive shadows.
Architecture: simplicity, proportion, rhythm,typological clearness, disorder denial.

• Architecture in Music
La Cathedrale Engloutie: Based on historical facts about King Gradlon.
Claude Debussy.
Cathedral is sunk, and as it is going, it is appearing in the surface. Then the monumentality is shown.

- • Suggested Architecture
Architectural space, similar to the Pompeian Domus.
Camera degli Sposi 1694
Apotheosis of Sant Ignatius 1694
Basilica of St Francis in Assissi

- • Gesamtkunstwerk
Red House in Kent, England.
Hotel Tassel, Brussels, Belgium
Casa Batlló, Antonio Gaudí, Barcelona, Spain.
Maison du Verre. Paris